This is a drawing I did of one of the coolest Samurai ever, Kambei Shimada, leader of the Seven Samurai from Kurosawas classic film. I intend to do portraits of all the important players in the film but it'll have to wait for a minute while I clear some projects off my desk . Right now Kambei has to hold it down by himself, but it's all good cuz hes as tough as they come. You wouldn't know it to talk to him, hes not always tryin' to flex. Humble, determined and deadly when neccesary, this quietly charismatic Ronin bears the mark of a true leader.
I got more to come on this guy and the rest of his crew so stay tuned!
I am a true fan of your work. Your vast knowledge of Japanese history and culture eclipses my own. I don't deserve a Japanese last name compared to you. Please forgive me and grant me my honor back. I now offer my only sister to you in hopes of joining the ranks of the common peasant. Peeeeeeeee sout!
Thanks my Ninja.
This blog is dedicated to Samurai and Ninja and ancient martial disciplines, and other cool stuff too.
Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go! Welcome aboard Philly Phill phill. Alright I'll stop being obnoxious. Thanks again for the Crafty Stuff. My wife loves them.
Classic "ish" son!
i was perusing around your empty cubicle today , lol.
I'm kinda mad that you aint in the building wit us.
the energy there woulda been CRAZY!
let's build one of these eves... I got pages to finish, lol.
Kambei, what is the symbol you bear on your back? I know it must be the japanese symbol of eternity, but I don't know the name.
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